Hugh (Bing) Brown
Hugh (Bing) Brown was President of the QBA from 1972-1974.
He was brought up on an isolated property in North West Queensland, had some exposure to the game of bridge in his teens, but did not become seriously interested in the club bridge scene until some thirty years later.
On the administrative side, he first became involved as a club delegate to the QBA Council, then became masterpoint secretary for the QBA, President of the QBA, and served a term as a delegate to the ABF.He states that his only claim to fame as a player was to get into the 1968 Queensland team, and that mostly because Tony Jackman was his partner; but others would say he is overly modest in that statement. Bridge associations in the family ran strong – his wife Phyl represented Australia at bridge on several occasions.
Hugh views the following as among his main administrative achievements as President :- the division of the state into zones for competition purposes, the early allocation of congress dates to avoid clashes, the institution of regular newsletters, assisting some clubs to acquire their own premises, and the adoption of a standard club constitution.
Further details on Hugh Brown and his association with bridge in Queensland may be found in Mind Games – A Biographical History of Bridge in Queensland.